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Free MCAT Biology Questions
Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems
Question does not refer to a passage.
Question 7
Which amino acid is depicted below?

- Tryptophan
- Phenylalanine
- Tyrosine
- Histidine
Free MCAT Chemistry Questions
Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems
Passage (Questions 9 – 14)
Barium is an excellent absorber of X-rays and can be used medically for imaging the Gastro-intestinal (GI) tract. In preparation for this procedure, patients are given Barium Sulfate. Care must be taken with this procedure because BaSO4 is slightly soluble in water and the Ba2+ ion is toxic. The relevant solubility equilibrium is:
BaSO4(s) ⇆ Ba2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) Ksp = 1.1 × 10-10
One approach to keeping nearly all the BaSO4 in the solid form is to utilize the common-ion effect by adding another sulfate salt like sodium sulfate. This forces the equilibrium to the left and lowers the amount of Ba2+ entering the bloodstream.
Question 11
What is the proper formula for sodium sulfate?
- Na2SO4
- NaSO4
- Na(SO4)2
- Na3SO4
Free MCAT Physics Questions
Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems
Question does not refer to a passage.
Question 22
- open; constant
- closed; constant
- open; nonconstant
- closed; nonconstant
Free MCAT Psychology Questions
Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior
Passage (Questions 17 – 21)
Many psychological disorders are undertreated in older adulthood. Although a number of effective treatments for generalized anxiety disorder exist, only about 28% of older adults who could be suffering from the condition seek treatment. Access to treatment may be one cause, but the attitudes and beliefs of older adults toward treatment may also create a barrier and be a cause.
To assess what treatments might be most acceptable to older adults, a sample of adults aged 65 years and older read about a 70-year-old woman dealing with symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. The study looked at two groups including those who knew something about the factors related to development of anxiety disorders and those who did not. The participants read about three possible treatments: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which is based on changing the thoughts and behavior of individuals with the help of a trained therapist; guided self-help treatment based on cognitive behavioral therapy principles (CBT-GSH); and medication based therapy in the form of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The participants were asked to rate each potential treatment based on their acceptability. The researchers found that CBT was deemed most acceptable (M = 39.98) with results showing a statistically significant difference in preference for CBT over the other two treatments, with SSRIs (M = 35.47) and CBT-GSH (M = 34.91). In addition, participants who reported not knowing anything about the factors related to the development of anxiety disorders viewed treatment less favorably (M = 33.07) than those who reported knowing something about the development of anxiety disorders (M = 38.43). Those familiar with treatments for anxiety disorders also tended to have a more favorable view of treatment; Those who reported excellent familiarity were most positive (M = 40.19), while those with good (M = 37.85), mediocre (M = 36.58), and bad familiarity (M = 36.64) showing less positive attitudes (Gaudreau et al., 2015).
SOURCE: Gaudreau, C., Landreville, P., Carmichael, P-H., Champagne, A., & Camateros, C. (2015). Older adults’ rating of the acceptability of treatments for generalized anxiety disorder. Clinical Gerontologist, 38, 68-87. doi: 10.1080/07317115.2014.970319
Question 17
Which treatment did participants in the study judge most favorably?
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Guided self-help using cognitive behavioral therapy
- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
- All were judged with equal favorability
Free MCAT CARS Sample Questions
Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills
Passage (Questions 25 – 30)
This little anecdote of an occurrence at one of his last public exhibitions in his studio in Park Square Mr. Hunt told one evening with most hearty enjoyment. The exhibition was a large one; there were a good many oil-paintings beside a great number of charcoals, the latter reaching to the ceiling and covering one side of the great studio. A stranger was observed to look the things over earnestly, and finally to make a broad sweep of the eye over the collection as a whole. He then turned to his companion, and asked, “Is the man that did all these pictures here?”
“Yes,” said his friend; “that’s the artist there,” pointing to Mr. Hunt.
“What! You don’t mean to say that old feller in the corner, there, did all these pictures?”
“Yes, that’s the artist.”
“Wal,” said the stranger, giving Mr. Hunt another good look, “he’s had time enough to do ‘em in.”
Mr. Hunt was at this time about fifty-four years old, but looked nearly twenty years older. This aged appearance was due chiefly to his long gray beard, that made him resemble the portraits of Leonardo and Cellini taken when they were very old men.
Mr. Hunt was very amusing about his growing old sight, for which he had permitted me to prescribe proper eye-glasses that he bought at Thaxter’s. One evening, proposing to read us a letter that he had received, he took from his pocket an unpleasantly common-looking pair of glasses, and anticipating my inquiry, said, “These eye-glasses I bought in the street for twenty-five cents. They seem to be about as good as those you prescribed. The fact is those were a little too good. I broke the spring, and carried them to be mended. They were to be done the next day, which was a week ago, but I don’t think I shall call for ‘em. I might break ‘em if I had ‘em, and Thaxter will take good care of ‘em.” He then, as usual for some weeks at this period, hung the eye-glasses on the end of his prominent nose, wrong side up, so that the spring lay over his mustache, and gravely began to read.
He carried at this time a cheap silver watch. It was “hermetically sealed,” as he called it. You could, if you wished, put it in a tub of water over night. There could never be any necessity for opening it, as it was wound and its hands set by the stem. It made a noise in winding like a watchman’s rattle, and if the stem were turned the wrong way it made just as much noise, and did the machinery no harm. He was constantly taking this remarkable watch out of his pocket, swinging it around by its chain, and winding it both ways as noisily as possible, remarking that it was “the most amusing watch he ever had; very companionable too; worth more than its cost as a toy to play with.”
SOURCE: Material used in this test passage has been adapted from the following source – Angell, H.C. (1880). Records of W.M. Hunt. The Atlantic Monthly, 45 (272), 753-759. This material is in the public domain.
Question 29
Based on the portrayal in the passage, if Mr. Hunt were to throw a dinner party, he would most likely take on the following role:
- He would politely listen to all of the guests
- He would buy and present gifts for each guest
- He would make sure all of the food was properly presented on the table
- He would tell stories to all present
FAQs about MCAT questions
The MCAT consists of 230 questions, divided into 4 sections.
- Chemistry & physics foundations (59 questions)
- CARS (53 questions)
- Biology & biochemistry foundations (59 questions)
- Psychological, social, and biological foundations of behavior (59 questions)
..without breaks..
Reviewing your performance after taking a practice test gives you valuable insights about your exam-readiness and gives you the opportunity to identify topics you need to study more.
When reviewing your practice tests, make sure to:
- Score the test to get a numerical value attached to your performance and know where you stand.
- Go through each question thoroughly to understand the reasoning.
- Note your areas of weakness and strength and use this to plan your further studying.
- Rinse and repeat!
Lecturio’s practice exams are embedded in structured learning paths that keep track of your performance and organize your review journey for you.
The short answer: As many as you need until you are confident that you are ready to pass.
Some people advice to take at least 6–10 full-length practice tests before the exam to make sure you have the experience and endurance to succeed on test day.
To get the most out of each practice test, make sure to:
- Choose tests that closely resemble the actual MCAT format.
- Simulate real-life testing conditions while taking them.
- Space them out: Take time to review and study between practice tests, then apply your learnings to the next one.
CARS stands for Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills. This section on the MCAT consists of 53 questions.