Start your online pharmacology class
taught by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN from ORU
Understanding pharmacology is not only an important part on the NCLEX®, but also key for making safe clinical decisions and administering medications effectively. However, the vast array of medications and their specific uses make pharmacology a complex and demanding field to master for nursing students.
This course systematically covers key medications for each body system, including GI, respiratory, cardiovascular, CNS, PNS, and endocrine. Additionally, the course covers anti-infective and antiviral drugs, medications for fluid and electrolyte imbalances, cancer medications, and men’s and women’s health medications. Experienced educator Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN, will teach you the basic implications of pharmacology for nursing, medication safety, considerations across the lifespan, and dosage calculation. Her real-life experience and engaging teaching style will help you transfer theoretical knowledge to patient care environments.
The combination of Video Lessons with interactive quiz questions, downloadable study materials, and a NCLEX-style Qbank makes it easy to understand and retain the topics. By the end of this course, you will be ready crush pharmacology on the NCLEX and to apply this knowledge in clinical settings.