How to Teach Pharmacology to Nursing Students

How to Teach Pharmacology to Nursing Students

April 8, 2024



Learn to teach pharmacology with a free sample lesson plan from Rhonda Lawes PhD, RN from Oral Roberts University and Jacquelyn McMillian-Bohler, PhD, CNM from Duke University School of Nursing.


When teaching pharmacology, nurse educators are faced with the challenge of teaching students about a vast number of drugs, each with unique characteristics, dosages, side effects, and interactions. That is without even mentioning the constant medical evolutions of drugs. This huge amount of content to compress into lectures can often make it difficult for students to fully grasp the information in the allotted teaching time. With limited time and resources available, nursing faculty need creative approaches to teach clinical pharmacology effectively.

Lecturio is here to help you overcome these challenges, ensuring students remain engaged when studying pharmacology and facilitating a deeper understanding of pharmacological concepts with expert video content taught by Rhonda Lawes PhD RN, Lecturio’s Chief Nursing Officer, and a sample lesson plan for you to implement in your classroom. 

With the Lecturio Pharmacology course, your students can apply their knowledge by answering real exam practice questions that will help them retain everything they learned using quizzes and cheat sheets. Our platform prepares your students for pharmacology exams with high-yield learning content in a range of formats, taught by educators with practical clinical experience that explain difficult topics in an easy-to-understand format.

Our expert-led video course can support you in

  • Ensuring Theoretical Understanding: Nursing students often struggle with developing a comprehensive understanding of pharmacology, leading to memorization rather than practical application. Our Pharmacology course helps give your students a solid understanding of physiology and the effects that drugs have on both individual biological systems and the human body as a whole.
  • Delivering Clear Instruction: Video courses offer the advantage of clear and concise instructions, helping students navigate through challenging pharmacological content more effectively.
  • Keeping students engaged: Students may become disengaged during traditional lectures, impacting learning outcomes and exam scores. With our digital learning platform, expert-created content is delivered in a variety of formats, including video lectures and interactive quizzes.
  • Dealing with Limited Time & Resources: Pharmacology courses are typically compressed into a few hours per week, which may not allow for comprehensive delivery of content. This limited time frame can hinder students’ ability to fully grasp the material. With Lecturio, educators can save time teaching complex topics and have more time available for important tasks like remediation.

What’s included in the Pharmacology course

  • 500+ Pharmacology Video Lessons: Short and concise video lessons offer downloadable slides and multilingual subtitles.
  • 1200+ Nursing Pharmacology Practice Questions
  • 1300+ Questions for Better Recall
  • A visual and auditory learning experience that enhances students’ understanding of complex pharmacological concepts, moving beyond mere memorization.
  • An engaging, interactive, and visually stimulating learning experience that enhances comprehension and retention of essential information.

View one of our Pharmcology course videos, which fits into the sample lesson plan below.

Sample Lesson Plan

Before class: 

  • Assign the course “Cardiovascular Medications (Nursing)” to your students (5 hours).
  • You may also wish to assign “Review: Anatomy and Physiology of the Cardiovascular System (Nursing)” for learners who need review.
  • When you assign the course, select “Add exam for course completion.” This checkbox will give learners a case-based practice test over the material once they have completed the videos. 
  • Provide a link to the Lecturio Cheat Sheet “Intro to Pharmacology: Nursing” for the students to review.

Instructor prep: 

  • Review Lecturio’s Concept Page on RAAS
  • Using the search bar, go to the video “RAAS and Blood Pressure – NCLEX Review (Nursing)” and download the slides using the “Materials” button under the video. Use these slides in class to review the materials.

In class: 

  • (20 min) Using the slides from “RAAS and Blood Pressure – NCLEX Review (Nursing)”, review the materials with the learners. 
  • You can extend the in-class review by downloading other slides for review from the Nursing Pharmacology Review course. 
  • (15 min) divide the learners into groups of 3-4. Have students roleplay patient education on each class of drugs. Encourage those playing patients to ask questions of those in the nurse’s role. 

Option 1: group quiz review (recall & remember)

  • (10-30 min) On your Lecturio Home page, search for “RAAS.” On the Search Results page, select “Quiz.”  Show quiz questions for the class and answer them as a group. You can ask students to discuss answers in their smaller groups or discuss as a whole class. 
  • To test understanding during the quiz discussion, ask students to hold up fingers corresponding to the multiple choice answer, or ask students to raise hands to commit to an answer before revealing the correct answer. 
  • Correct any misconceptions that arise while reviewing the quiz questions. 

Option 2: case-based question review (clinical judgment)

  • (30-60 min) On your Lecturio Home page, navigate to the Question Bank in the menu. Make sure that “Nursing/NCLEX RN is selected in the dropdown menu. 
  • Select “Create Custom Test.” Select the boxes for Subject: Nursing Pharmacology and System: Cardiovascular. Then, select “Start Test.”
  • Show the questions for the class and answer them as a group. You can ask students to discuss answers in their smaller groups or discuss as a whole class. 
  • To test understanding during the discussion, ask students to hold up fingers corresponding to the multiple choice answer, or ask students to raise hands to commit to an answer before revealing the correct answer. 
  • Correct any misconceptions that arise while reviewing the questions. 

After class: 

To extend the after-class review:

You may also wish to assign other review lessons from the  

Nursing Pharmacology Review Course such as Hypertension Medications: Overview, Ace Inhibitors, ARBS, Beta Blockers, and Calcium Channel Blockers. 

More Options: 

  • If you would prefer that students not have access to the in-class case-based discussion questions, you can restrict access to select questions. From your Administration menu, navigate to Qbank Visibility: Question Visibility and select the questions you would like to restrict. 
  • You can create a test for the in-class discussion questions using only the restricted questions by navigating to your Administration page and selecting Qbank Management: Test Management. When you select “Create Test” from this page, the individual question selection screen will allow you to filter for only restricted questions. 
  • If you assigned the exam questions along with the videos, you can review learner performance on the practice exam before class to gauge learner performance. 

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