Next Generation NCLEX-RN® (NGN)

Boost Pass Rates & Student Confidence

Empower students to score their best on the NGN with Lecturio’s customizable teaching and assessment platform.

Lecturio Nursing: Improving NGN Outcomes

Fully prepare your students for the Next Generation NCLEX with Lecturio's comprehensive teaching solutions, and get support with our essential resources and faculty webinars.

The power of learning science in every corner of our platform

Enrich your current curriculum with powerful resources including all new NGN item types, walk-throughs that teach key test-taking strategies, and monitoring tools to quickly identify and correct knowledge gaps. Our high-yield content, practice tests, and smart review system ensure students are confident and perform their best on exam day.

Improve NGN pass rates with Lecturio's customizable Next Generation NCLEX Qbank

Empower your students with personalized practice exams, Lecturio’s extensive NCLEX-style question library and our NGN-simulated interface, featuring all-new item types:

  • Extended multiple response
  • Extended drag and drop
  • Cloze (drop down)
  • Enhanced hot spot (highlighting)
  • Matrix/grid

Additional benefits of using Lecturio’s NGN Qbank in the classroom include:

Develop clinical judgment

Question walk-throughs give detailed justifications & tips to help students confidently tackle tough questions while improving critical thinking and clinical reasoning.

Autonomous learning

Lecturio Learning Paths guide students step by step through their study routine and promote self-sufficient learning with a spaced repetition review feature.

Reduce time and effort

NGN test-taking strategies are integrated throughout the platform, easing faculty workload and empowering students to apply strategies on their own.

Long-term retention

Emphasize smart learning by incorporating evidence-based learning strategies that have been proven to enhance information retention, such as regular self-testing.

Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN
Chief Nursing Officer at Lecturio

Lean on our experience

Our team of licensed nurses provides expert guidance and support to equip you with the necessary tools and skills to confidently arrive at the correct answer every time.

NGN Item Writing

Nursing educators play a crucial role in preparing students for the Next Generation NCLEX and deserve innovative resources and increased support. That’s why we are thrilled to offer a series of webinars and templates, developed by educators for educators, to help you navigate and excel in all aspects of the Next Gen NCLEX.

Lecturio's Next-Generation assignable Learning Resources

Connect students with the Next Generation NCLEX resource they need – whenever they need it

Lecturio’s robust suite of learning-science-backed NGN study materials empowers students to take more autonomy in their exam prep while also giving educators more freedom to focus on knowledge gaps rather than the basics:

Comprehensive Video Library

250+ hours of concise, easy-to-follow videos, covering all relevant nursing school topics including 80+ hours of NGN content

Recall Questions

9100+ recall quiz questions featuring spaced repetition

NCLEX-style Questions including NGN

3800+ NCLEX-style questions, including 280 new NGN case studies and standalone items

Detailed explanations for remediation

Lecturio provides students with comprehensive feedback that includes detailed rationales to help guide them to the correct answers.

Nurs features general

Learn how Lecturio can support your institution’s goals

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