
Ultrastructural details small cluster of adenovirus

Classification General Characteristics and Epidemiology Basic features of adenovirus Taxonomy: Family: Adenoviridae Genus: Mastadenovirus DNA virus: Double-stranded Linear Structure Nonenveloped virus Icosahedral capsid Fiber-like projections from the vertices Resistant to: Acid Detergent Dry environment Inactivated by: Heat Formaldehyde Bleach Clinically relevant species 7 human adenovirus species (groups A–G) > 60 serotypes Epidemiology Most common in […]

Epstein-Barr Virus

Transmission electron microscopic image epstein-barr virus virions

Classification General Characteristics and Epidemiology Basic features of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) Also known as human herpesvirus 4 Taxonomy: Family: Herpesviridae Subfamily: Gammaherpesvirinae Genus: Lymphocryptovirus DNA virus Linear Double stranded > 85 genes Structure: Core (contains DNA) Icosahedral protein nucleocapsid  Tegument (contains viral proteins and enzymes) Lipid envelope and glycoprotein spikes Associated diseases Acute infectious mononucleosis […]

Rabies Virus

Transmission electron microscopic image rabies virions

Classification General Characteristics and Epidemiology Basic features of rabies virus Associated disease Rabies virus causes the disease rabies. Epidemiology Pathogenesis Reservoir Mammalian species serve as hosts. In the United States, these may include: Transmission Human infection is almost always due to a bite by an infected mammal. Host risk factors Susceptibility to lethal infection is […]

Trypanosoma cruzi/Chagas disease

Blood smear trypanosoma chagas disease

General Characteristics and Epidemiology Basic features of Trypanosoma cruzi Parasitic protozoan Taxonomy: Family: Trypanosomatidae Genus: Trypanosoma General characteristics: Thin, irregularly shaped Single, polar flagellum Undulating membrane Morphologic forms: Epimastigote (extracellular, noninfectious form) Trypomastigote (infectious form) Amastigote (intracellular form that replicates) Associated disease American trypanosomiasis is called Chagas disease. Epidemiology Geographic distribution: South America Central America […]

Chikungunya Virus

Life cycle of chikungunya virus

Classification General Characteristics Basic features Chikungunya virus: Togaviridae family Alphavirus genus Genome: Positive-sense, single-stranded RNA Size: 11.8 kb Properties: Enveloped Lipid-bilayer envelope has viral-encoded glycoproteins, which mediate cell attachment and entry:  E1: consists of fusion peptides, which dissociate from E2 in low pH and facilitate the release of nucleocapsids into the host cytoplasm E2: binds […]

Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus

Electron micrograph of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus

Classification General Characteristics Basic features of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) Enveloped Spherical Midsize (diameter between 60 and 300 nm) 2 viral surface glycoproteins on envelope: G1 and G2 Virus genome: Encapsulated by a helical nucleocapsid Segmented with: A large (L) single-stranded, negative-sense RNA   A small (S) ambisense RNA Carries RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP) Taxonomy: Family […]

Dengue Virus

Dengue fever virus particles flaviviridae

Classification General Characteristics and Epidemiology Basic features of dengue virus (DENV) Clinically relevant species Four distinct serotypes (DENV 1–4) cause dengue infection. Epidemiology Pathogenesis Reservoir Transmission Host risk factors Viral replication cycle Pathophysiology Clinical Presentation The majority of patients will be asymptomatic. Those with symptomatic disease may experience 3 phases: febrile, critical, and convalescent. Febrile […]


Enterococcus faecalis

Classification General Characteristics Enterococci (formerly classified as group D streptococci) are part of the normal flora of the human GI tract. Fewer than ⅓ of the known species are responsible for clinically significant human disease.  Genus characteristics Pathogenesis Enterococci most commonly appear in nosocomial infections. Clinical Relevance Epidemiology Diseases caused by enterococci Organism isolation Antibiotic […]

Respiratory Syncytial Virus

Schematic image of rsv respiratory syncytial virus life cycle

Classification General Characteristics Taxonomy and structure Basic features Clinically relevant species Pathogenesis Transmission and replication cycle Transmission:  Respiratory droplets from an infected individual come into contact with the mucosa of the eyes, mouth, or nose of another individual. Replication cycle: Natural reservoirs Pathophysiology Diseases Caused by Respiratory Syncytial Virus Although RSV is limited to the […]

Lymphatic Filariasis (Elephantiasis)


Epidemiology and Etiology Epidemiology 120 million patients infected worldwide as of 2019 Geographic distribution: Wuchereria bancrofti:  Etiology for 90% of lymphatic filariasis Most prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Indian subcontinent, Pacific islands, and Caribbean and South American tropical and subtropical climates Brugia malayi: Southeast Asia, China, India, and Pacific islands B. timori: Timor island […]

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