Zika Virus Infection

Classification General Characteristics and Epidemiology General characteristics Epidemiology Pathogenesis Reservoirs Transmission Host risk factors Pathophysiology Clinical Presentation Zika virus infection in adults Congenital Zika syndrome Diagnosis and Management Diagnosis Management Comparison of Species Table: Comparison of species Zika virus West Nile virus Dengue virus Characteristics Enveloped Icosahedral Positive-sense ssRNA Enveloped Icosahedral Positive-sense ssRNA Enveloped Icosahedral […]
Papillomavirus (HPV)

Classification General Characteristics Basic features of human papillomavirus (HPV) Taxonomy: Family: Papillomaviridae Genera: Alphapapillomavirus Betapapillomavirus Gammapapillomavirus Mupapillomavirus Nupapillomavirus DNA virus: Double stranded Circular genome Structure: Nonenveloped Icosahedral capsid Clinically relevant species There are > 200 HPV serotypes. The notable serotypes include: Low-risk subtypes (causative agents for genital warts): HPV 6 HPV 11 High-risk subtypes (associated […]

General Characteristics Basic features Epidemiology and Pathogenesis Epidemiology Transmission Host risk factors Pathogenesis Diseases Caused by Bartonella Bartonellosis in humans is caused by 3 main species of Bartonella bacteria and produces a wide range of symptoms and diseases depending on the species and the immune state of the infected individual. Table: Diseases caused by Bartonella […]

Classification Characteristics Basic features Burkholderia: Clinically significant species: Burkholderia pseudomallei Etiology and epidemiology Pathophysiology Transmission: Host risk factors include: Clinical presentation Symptoms can present in various systems: Diagnosis Diagnostic tests: Additional tests: Management Resistant to: Initial regimen(s) depends on severity of illness and system(s) affected: Eradication treatment: Prevention: Burkholderia cepacia Complex Etiology and epidemiology BCC: […]

Classification General Characteristics and Epidemiology Basic features of orthopoxviruses Clinically relevant species Notable orthopoxviruses that infect humans include: Epidemiology Pathogenesis Transmission Table: Transmission of Orthopoxviridae Virus Reservoir Transmission Smallpox Humans Respiratory aerosols Contact with lesions Fomites Monkeypox Unknown (maybe small rodents) Contact with infected bodily fluids Contact with lesions Fomites Animal bite or contact with […]

Classification General Characteristics and Epidemiology Basic features of Rotavirus Associated diseases Rotaviruses causes gastroenteritis. Epidemiology Pathogenesis Reservoir Humans are the primary reservoir. Transmission Transmission occurs through the fecal-oral route: Host risk factors Pathophysiology Clinical Presentation Timeline: Symptoms: Signs of dehydration: Diagnosis and Management Diagnosis Rotavirus infections are difficult to distinguish from other diarrheal diseases on […]

Classification General Characteristics and Epidemiology Basic features of human norovirus Also known as Norwalk virus Taxonomy: Family: Caliciviridae Genus: Norovirus RNA virus: Single stranded Positive sense Linear Nonsegmented Structure: Icosahedral symmetry Nonenveloped Protein capsid Highly stable in the environment and resistant to: Freezing Heat up to 60°C (140°F) Alcohol Acid Chlorine Clinically relevant species Genogroups […]

Classification General Characteristics Structure Clinically relevant species Pathogenesis Transmission Virulence factors Most coronaviruses have 4 structural proteins: S, E, M, and N. Replication cycle Diseases Caused by Coronaviruses Table: Epidemiology of respiratory coronavirus diseases MERS-CoV SARS-CoV SARS-CoV-2 Date of first identified case June 2012 November 2002 December 2019 Location of first identified case Jeddah, Saudi […]
Varicella-Zoster Virus/Chickenpox

Classification General Characteristics and Epidemiology Basic features of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) Also known as human herpesvirus 3 Taxonomy: Family: Herpesviridae Subfamily: Alphaherpesvirinae Genus: Varicellovirus DNA virus: Linear Double stranded Structural elements: Core (genetic material) Icosahedral protein capsid Tegument (viral proteins and enzymes) Lipid envelope and glycoprotein spikes Associated diseases Varicella-zoster virus causes 2 distinct syndromes: […]

Classification General Characteristics and Epidemiology Basic features of CMV Epidemiology Pathogenesis Reservoir The CMV strain associated with human infection is found only in humans. Transmission Host risk factors Immunocompromised patients are at increased risk of morbidity and mortality from CMV. Viral replication cycle Pathophysiology Pathology Cells infected with CMV will: Diseases caused by CMV The […]