Subclavian Steal Syndrome

Subclavian steal

Overview Definition Subclavian steal syndrome is the reversal of blood flow in the vertebral artery on the side of a stenotic subclavian artery that produces symptoms of arterial insufficiency in the brain or upper extremity. Epidemiology Etiology Pathophysiology and Clinical Presentation Anatomy Pathophysiology of subclavian steal Clinical presentation Most patients with subclavian stenosis/steal are asymptomatic. […]


Bilateral nodular lesions in the right and left adrenal glands (phaeochromocytoma)

Overview Definition Pheochromocytoma is a catecholamine-secreting tumor derived from chromaffin cells. Anatomy Epidemiology Etiology Mnemonic The “rule of 10s” for pheochromocytoma characteristics: Pathophysiology Excessive catecholamine secretion by tumor Effects of catecholamine secretion Malignant potential Clinical Presentation Mnemonic To recall the most common clinical features of pheochromocytoma or episodic hyperadrenergic spells, remember the “5 Ps“:  Diagnosis […]


Intraoperative image of an ileoileal intussusception

Overview Definition Intussusception is telescoping of the proximal part (intussusceptum) into a distal part (intussuscipiens) of the intestine. Epidemiology Etiology Pathophysiology and Clinical Presentation Pathophysiology Clinical presentation Toddlers/infants: Adults/older children: Diagnosis Pediatric intussusception History: Physical exam: Imaging: Intussusception in adults History: Physical exam: Imaging: Management Pediatric intussusception Initial management:  Nonsurgical reduction: Surgical management: Adult intussusception […]

Sick Sinus Syndrome

24-hour holter

Epidemiology and Etiology Epidemiology More common in the elderly Most common reason for placement of an artificial pacemaker Etiology Degenerative changes and fibrosis of the sinoatrial (SA) node and surrounding myocardium: Age-related tissue change Tissue damage from acquired heart disease (e.g., myocardial infarction) Cardiac deposition disease: Sarcoidosis Amyloidosis Hemochromatosis Hereditary sick sinus syndrome (SSS) can […]

IgA Nephropathy

Iga nephropathy

Overview Definition IgA nephropathy (Berger’s disease) is a renal disease characterized by IgA deposition in the mesangium, causing glomerular inflammation (glomerulonephritis (GN)). Epidemiology Etiology Pathophysiology Clinical Presentation IgA nephropathy presents with recurrent gross hematuria or asymptomatic microscopic hematuria as the most common manifestations. Recurrent hematuria Microscopic hematuria Rare manifestations Diagnosis The diagnosis is usually based […]


Anatomy of the pancreas

Overview Definition A VIPoma is a rare neuroendocrine tumor that secretes vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). Epidemiology Incidence: 1 in 1,000,000 people per year 95% arise in the pancreas, and 75% of symptomatic cases arise in the tail of the pancreas. 3rd most common pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (after insulinoma and gastrinoma) Age of onset: 30–50 in […]

Varicocele, Hydrocele, and Spermatocele


Varicocele Definition Varicocele is the dilatation of the pampiniform venous plexus, which is connected to the internal spermatic or gonadal vein. Epidemiology Pathophysiology Clinical presentation Diagnosis Examination: Imaging (scrotal ultrasound): Management Treatment approach: Clinical considerations: Hydrocele Definition Hydrocele is a collection of peritoneal fluid in the tunica vaginalis surrounding the testes. If bloody, the condition […]

Coarctation of the Aorta

Collateral circulation in coarctation of the aorta

Overview Definition Coarctation of the aorta is a narrowing of the aorta caused by the thickening of the medial layer at a localized point, most commonly near the insertion of the ductus arteriosus. Types Preductal: The narrowing is located proximally to the ductus arteriosus. Postductal: The narrowing is located distally to the ductus arteriosus. Epidemiology […]

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease

Overview Definition Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an acute upper genital tract infection in women that affects the uterus, oviducts, ovaries, and possibly the adjacent pelvic organs. Epidemiology Etiology Pathophysiology Normal pelvic protection Pelvic infection Clinical Presentation Signs and symptoms Physical exam Complications Diagnosis and Management Diagnosis Diagnosis is primarily clinical with a high index […]


Dropped head syndrome

Overview Definition Polymyositis (PM) is an autoimmune inflammatory myopathy that presents as symmetric proximal muscle weakness. Antisynthetase syndrome is a subtype that shows the presence of antisynthetase antibodies and certain extramuscular manifestations. Etiology The exact etiology is unknown. Possible genetic predisposition: Environmental factors: Associated medical conditions: Pathophysiology Clinical Presentation Symptoms Physical examination Systemic manifestations Diagnosis […]

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