Necrotizing Fasciitis

Necrotizing fasciitis - painful erythema

Overview Epidemiology Etiology Necrotizing fasciitis is divided into microbiologic categories based on the causative organism(s): Risk factors Pathophysiology Clinical Presentation Skin and soft tissue findings Early signs: Late signs: Common sites of infection: Evidence of systemic toxicity Diagnosis A definitive diagnosis of necrotizing fasciitis is made by surgical exploration and debridement. These processes should not […]


Facial erysipelas

Overview Definition Erysipelas is an infection of the skin involving the upper dermis and superficial lymphatics. Epidemiology  Etiology Pathophysiology and Clinical Presentation Pathophysiology Clinical presentation Diagnosis and Management Diagnosis History: Physical exam: Laboratory studies: Imaging: Cultures: Management Uncomplicated cases: Cases requiring hospitalization and intravenous (IV) antibiotics: Surgical debridement: may be required for severe cases with […]


Rosacea erythema and telangiectasia

Overview Epidemiology Worldwide incidence: > 5% Age of presentation: 30–50 years old Women > men More common in fair-skinned people Etiology The exact etiology is not understood, but the following may be associated with rosacea: Genetic predisposition Infections: Demodex mites Helicobacter pylori Ultraviolet radiation Vascular hyperactivity causing prolonged flushing:  Exercise  Hot weather Spicy food Alcohol […]



Definition and Epidemiology Definition A glucagonoma is a glucagon-secreting tumor arising from the α cells in the pancreatic islets and is sometimes seen in the context of MEN 1. Epidemiology Incidence:  1 in 10 million to 10 in 10 million Male:female ratio = 1:1 Peak age at diagnosis: 45–70 years  50%–80% metastatic at diagnosis Size […]

Whipple’s Disease

Lymphangiectasia on endoscopy

Overview Definition Whipple’s disease is a malabsorption syndrome with systemic manifestations that is caused by infection with Tropheryma whipplei. Epidemiology Etiology Causative agent is T. whipplei: Host immunodeficiency has been implicated in symptomatic infections. Pathophysiology Clinical Presentation Classic Whipple’s disease Other manifestations Diagnosis History Physical exam Laboratory studies Biopsy Management and Prognosis Management The mainstay […]

Uterine Leiomyoma and Leiomyosarcoma

Histology of leiomyosarcoma

Epidemiology Leiomyomas are benign, smooth muscle tumors arising from the uterine myometrium, whereas leiomyosarcomas are aggressive, malignant tumors of the myometrium. Leiomyoma Leiomyosarcoma Pathophysiology Leiomyoma Predisposing factors: Classification: Leiomyosarcoma Patterns: Differentiated from leiomyomas by the degree of: Predisposing factors: Clinical Presentation Presentations of leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma can be clinically indistinguishable. Both leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma may […]

Prostate Cancer

Micrograph of prostate cancer with gleason score 6 (3+3)

Overview Epidemiology Worldwide: 2nd most common cancer in men > 1.3 million cases diagnosed annually In the United States: 3rd leading cause of cancer in men Approximately 192,000 cases diagnosed annually The lifetime risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer is 11%. The lifetime risk of dying from prostate cancer is 2.5%. 5-year survival after […]

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy


Overview Epidemiology Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common and most severe muscular dystrophy. Affects boys Incidence: 1 in 3,500 boys worldwide Prevalence: 63 cases per million Etiology Duchenne muscular dystrophy results from a mutation in the dystrophin (DMD) gene on the short arm of the X chromosome. DMD is the largest known protein-coding […]

Aplastic Anemia

Features of aplastic anemia

Epidemiology and Etiology Epidemiology Varying incidence worldwide  Incidence in Europe: 2.35 per 1 million  Incidence in Asia: 7 per 1 million  No sex preference Acquired aplastic anemia (AA): biphasic age distribution → major peak in the teens to twenties; 2nd peak in the elderly Etiology Inherited conditions:  Intrinsic defect(s) in hematopoietic stem cells Fanconi anemia:  […]

Pulmonary Embolism

Ct angiography demonstrating lobar and segmental pulmonary emboli

Overview Definition Pulmonary embolism (PE) is the intraluminal obstruction of a main pulmonary artery or any of its branches by a thrombus, air, amniotic fluid, or fat. When thrombotic PE is considered together with DVT, the condition is known as venous thromboembolic (VTE) disease. Epidemiology Etiology and risk factors The 3 primary factors that contribute […]

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