Elbow Joint: Anatomy

Parts of the Elbow Joint The elbow joint consists of 3 separate articulations enclosed in a single capsule: Joint Articular surfaces Type Function Humeroulnar joint Trochlear notch of ulna Trochlea of the humerus Simple hinge-joint Flexion-extension Circumduction Humeroradial joint Head of the radius Capitulum of the humerus Limited ball-and-socket joint Limited pronation-supination in semiflexion Proximal […]
Arm: Anatomy

Bones of the Arm: Humerus The humerus can be divided into 3 parts: the proximal end, the shaft, and the distal end. Proximal end Shaft Distal end Muscles of the Anterior Compartment of the Arm Table: Anterior compartment of the arm: flexors Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation Function Biceps brachii Long head: supraglenoid tubercle Short head: […]
Axilla and Brachial Plexus: Anatomy

Boundaries of the Axilla The axilla is a pyramid-shaped space below the glenohumeral joint that is the passageway for nerves and vessels to pass into the upper arm. Contents of the Axilla The contents of the axilla are structures enclosed in the axillary sheath. Axillary artery The axillary artery is a direct continuation of the […]
Cubital Fossa: Anatomy

Boundaries The cubital fossa is the transitional area between the upper arm and the forearm anterior to the elbow joint. The cubital fossa is defined by the following anatomical boundaries: Boundary Structure Superior Horizontal line joining medial and lateral epicondyles of the humerus Lateral Medial border of the brachioradialis muscle Medial Lateral border of the pronator […]
Shoulder Joint: Anatomy

Bones Clavicle Scapula Humerus Joints Acromioclavicular (AC) joint Glenohumeral joint Sternoclavicular (SC) joint Scapulothoracic articulation Anterior Axioappendicular Muscles The anterior axioappendicular muscles function to move the pectoral girdle, stabilize the clavicle, and move the upper arm. Table: Origin, insertion, innervation, and function of the anterior axioappendicular muscles Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Function Pectoralis major […]
Liver: Anatomy

Development Gross Anatomy Location The liver is the largest gland in the body. It extends from the right to the left hypochondriac region (¾ of the liver is in the right superior quadrant). Four lobes Impressions of adjacent structures and organs Eight segments (Couinaud classification) Porta hepatis The porta hepatis (also called the hepatic portal) […]
Orbit and Extraocular Muscles: Anatomy

Bones and Structure of the Orbit Location Contents Optic foramen or canal Apex, bordered by the body and lesser wing of the sphenoid Optic nerve (CN II) Ophthalmic artery Ethmoidal foramina Junction between the superior and medial orbital walls In the ethmoid bone, lateral to olfactory groove Anterior and posterior ethmoidal veins, arteries, and nerves […]