Muscles of the Neck: Anatomy

Anterior neck muscles - superficial layer

Overview Anterior muscles of the neck Superficial layer: Scalenes: lateral and anterior flexion of the neck: Suprahyoids: elevate the hyoid bone during swallowing: Infrahyoids: depress the hyoid bone and facilitate downward movement of the larynx after swallowing: Lateral (prevertebral) muscles of the neck The function includes anterior and lateral flexion of the neck and stabilization […]

Inguinal Canal: Anatomy and Hernias

Pathway of testicular descent

Overview Embryologic Development Formation of the inguinal canal Male inguinal canal development Inguinal Canal Anatomy Anterior abdominal wall Course of the inguinal canal Boundaries of the inguinal canal The boundaries of the inguinal canal vary throughout its course. Borders of the Hesselbach triangle Epidemiology and Etiology of Inguinal Hernias Epidemiology Risk factors Etiology Classification and […]

Mediastinum and Great Vessels: Anatomy

Mediastinal compartments

Mediastinum Overview The mediastinum is the middle of the thoracic cavity, located between the lungs. The mediastinum is subdivided into the superior and inferior compartments, which are further divided into the anterior, middle, and posterior mediastina. Superior mediastinum Inferior mediastinum The inferior mediastinum is bordered superiorly by the thoracic plane and inferiorly by the diaphragm, […]

Chest Wall: Anatomy

The serratus anterior muscle

Introduction Embryology Components of the chest wall Thoracic Skeleton Ribs The thoracic skeleton consists of 12 pairs of ribs. Classification: Parts of each rib:  Intercostal spaces: The spaces between the ribs are the intercostal spaces: Sternum Consists of the following parts: Intrinsic Muscles Intrinsic muscles attach only to the thorax. The intrinsic muscles receive blood […]

Cerebral Cortex: Anatomy

Lobes of cerebral cortex

General Features Overview The cerebral cortex is the outermost layer of the brain: The cerebrum is the largest portion of the brain. The cerebrum is composed of gray matter (cerebral cortex) and underlying white matter structures: Lobes Notable sulci Notable gyri Microscopic Structure and Neurovasculature Microscopic structure Vascular system Frontal Lobe The frontal lobe is […]

Thalamus: Anatomy

Location of the thalamus in a midsagittal section of the human brain

Gross Anatomy Gross features Table: Thalamic nuclei Nucleus Major input Major output Function Anterior Mammillary body and hippocampal formation Cingulate gyrus Limbic pathway Ventral posteromedial Trigeminothalamic tract and rostral solitary nucleus Primary somatosensory cortex and gustatory cortex Touch, position, pain, and temperature from face; taste Ventral posterolateral Dorsal column-medial lemniscus and anterolateral tract Primary somatosensory […]

Brain Stem: Anatomy

Division of cranial nerves that arise in brainstem

General Features The brain stem is located in the posterior cranial fossa on the dorsal aspect of the clivus. There should be CSF space between the clivus and the brain stem in normal patients, and the 4th ventricle is posterior to the brain stem between it and the cerebellum. The midbrain is most superior, followed […]

Ovaries: Anatomy

Gross anatomy of the female reproductive system

Overview Definition The ovaries are the female gonads, located within the pelvis as paired structures. The ovaries contain haploid gametes known as oocytes. Functions Embryology Ovarian development Weeks 5–10:  Weeks 10–20: Ovarian descent Gross Anatomy Size Location Ligaments Ovaries are suspended within the peritoneal cavity between the pelvic sidewall and uterus via the several important […]

Cerebellum: Anatomy

Location of the nuclei within the cerebellum

Overview and Features Cerebellar peduncles and their connections: Internal Circuitry and Organization Cerebellar cortex The majority of neuronal cell bodies are located in the cortex, which can be divided into 3 layers: Granular cell layer: Purkinje cell layer: Molecular layer: Cortical interneurons Cortical interneurons can be divided into 2 categories: Cerebellar nuclei Cerebellar nuclei consist […]

Heart: Anatomy

Orientation of the myocardium

General Structure and Location of the Heart Overview of the heart structure The heart is a 4-chambered muscular pump made of cardiac muscle tissue. Size and shape Location and orientation Anatomic relationships The Pericardium Like the pleural cavity around the lungs and the peritoneal cavity inside the abdomen, the pericardial cavity around the heart is […]

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