
Plan Scope Management

by Sean Whitaker

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    00:02 This module looks at the plain scope management process from the PMBOK guide.

    00:08 The exam importance is moderate.

    00:11 It's a Planning process, so we have to do all the planning necessary.

    00:14 The difficulty is low because you probably do this already and memorization is low.

    00:19 There's not a lot of new concepts introduced here.

    00:23 The plain scope management process itself is part of the Project Scope Management Knowledge area, and it's one of four Planning processes in this knowledge area. The others being collect requirements to find scope and create work breakdown structure, or WBS.

    00:40 The domain task that it helps to deliver is Planning task, two, which is develop a scope management plan based on the approved project scope and using scope management techniques in order to define, maintain and manage the scope of the project.

    00:59 The key themes of the plan scope management process are, well, this is a Planning process, and we're going to see lots of Planning processes throughout the rest of the PMBOK guide.

    01:10 But this particular Planning process produces the scope management plan, and that scope management plan is the document that is going to guide how we're going to collect the requirements, define the scope, create the WBS, validate the scope and control the scope.

    01:26 We may also produce a requirements management plan, which is a specific plan on how we're going to collect and check the requirements for the project.

    01:37 So keep in mind that all of our Planning processes get us to develop a plan to collect, to find, check and control all aspects of the project and product scope, the inputs that we may find useful into this process, are The Project Management Plan and its subsidiary plans and the early stages of the plan scope management process. This will be an early iteration of the Project Management Plan because it won't have advance too far.

    02:08 The project charter will be an essential input because as we're putting together our scope management plan, the Project Charter is going to give us information known at that point of project initiation about the scope of the project.

    02:22 There may be a lot more work to be done to iteratively define the scope of the project, but the Project Charter is where we will look to find out what we know currently about the scope of the project.

    02:35 We may also find enterprise environmental factors and relevant organizational process assets such as our project management methodology and perhaps a blank template for a scope management plan useful to us as well the relevant tools and techniques for this particular Planning process.

    02:54 Expert judgment.

    02:56 Remember, you are an expert.

    02:58 Your project team members are experts, the project sponsor, the client.

    03:01 These are all experts you may choose to consult with and you're probably going to do this via meetings with them.

    03:08 Formal meetings, informal meetings, virtual meetings.

    03:12 That's how you're going to get the information from them.

    03:15 Present your first version of the scope management plan to them and seek their feedback. Make changes to it and go back to them in another meeting and check.

    03:24 Is this a good scope management plan? So if you do take those.

    03:29 Inputs and apply those particular tools and techniques, you will develop a scope management plan.

    03:37 Now, remember, the Shewhart Deming plan, do, check, act cycle is one of the foundational concepts of modern professional project management, and it says we always start with Planning.

    03:50 And the scope management plan is our beginning of Planning, how we're going to gather and document and check and control our project scope.

    04:01 We may also choose to produce, if appropriate, a requirements management plan.

    04:07 And this is a particular subsidiary plan of our Scope Management Plan focused just on how we collect the requirements, how we trace the requirements and how we ensure the requirements have been delivered on the project.

    04:24 The scope management plan, like all the other Planning documents we're going to see in this course, provides guidance throughout the life of the project on phase on how the scope will be defined, documented, controlled, checked and closed. So we've got to have it.

    04:39 It's our guiding document.

    04:40 Without it, we don't know what we're supposed to do.

    04:43 And we probably just make things up as we go along.

    04:47 The Requirements Management Plan will provide more specific guidance on how project requirements will be collected, assessed and incorporated into the project scope.

    04:57 So you definitely have a scope management plan, you may have a requirements management plan, depending on your particular project.

    05:07 So in summary.

    05:09 Develop an appropriate scope management plan to provide guidance on how the project scope will be collected, checked, monitored and closed, the Scope Management Plan is going to be very useful to you and the next processes.

    05:23 We look at the requirements, the defined scope and the create WBS processes because it's going to tell us how we do all of those.

    05:32 It's also going to help us when we come to the validate scope process and the control scope process because it's going to contain information and guidance on how we do those things as well.

    05:44 And that's why we've got to have an appropriate scope management plan.

    05:48 The size and complexity of your particular scope management plan will reflect the size and complexity of your project.

    05:56 And also, if appropriate, develop a requirements management plan to provide guidance on how project requirements will be collected, assessed and checked.

    06:08 This has been the planned scope management process from the PMBOK guide, thank you very much.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Plan Scope Management by Sean Whitaker is from the course Archiv - PMP Training – Become a Project Management Professional (EN). It contains the following chapters:

    • Plan Scope Management

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. The requirements management plan is a subsidiary of the scope management plan with a focus just on the project requirements.
    2. The scope management plan is a subsidiary of the requirements management plan with a focus just on the project scope.
    3. The requirements management plan and the scope management plan are very separate and do not have anything to do with each other.
    4. The requirements management plan is a subsidiary of the scope management plan with a focus just on the project scope and WBS creation.
    1. To provide guidance on how requirements will be collected, how the project and product scope will be defined, how the WBS will be created and how the scope will be checked and changes managed.
    2. To provide approval for the product scope and all changes to it.
    3. To provide guidance on how the project scope, project time, project costs and project risks will be managed as a single effort.
    4. To enable the project manager and project sponsor to decide which parts of the clients requirements they are not going to deliver.

    Author of lecture Plan Scope Management

     Sean Whitaker

    Sean Whitaker

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