Your physical comfort is an essential factor for your performance as much as your mental readiness. In order to minimize distractions and maximize focus during your exam day, I present a comprehensive and practical guide about what to bring, as well as what to expect at the Pearson VUE center. With the right preparation, you can approach your NCLEX test day with confidence and focus on achieving success.

The testing environment
Testing centers are not built for comfort.
Usually located within dull buildings you may have passed or within a strip mall, they are gray and faceless, with Spartan furnishings. If you have avoided one thus far, you may be surprised by its draconian policies that somehow complement their appearance. The purpose of the center is to ensure fairness and to process as many testers as possible with efficiency and least fuss.
While your identity is being confirmed, you may feel as if you have been singled out by a TSA agent. You will be asked to remove your earbuds, empty your pockets, roll up your sleeves to the elbows, pat yourself down, raise your hair above the neck, roll down your socks and roll up your pant legs, and take off your glasses as they will be scanned. Your bracelets and necklaces will need to be removed. You will be given a whiteboard and a marker and plugs/earphones as you enter the test room.
To prevent last-minute issues, please note that once you have checked in, you have to remain on the floor. You will not be allowed to go to your car if you have forgotten a sweatshirt, for example. Make sure you have gone to the bathroom before walking into the testing center.
You may be advised to leave your cell phone and wallet in the car, but you can take your personal items into the testing center as long as they will fit into a small locker. Your electronic devices will be placed into a sealable bag that will go into the locker. Even though you will not be allowed to access your electronic devices during the breaks, I believe it is wiser to take your belongings into the testing center where they will be secured, rather than leaving them in an unattended vehicle for several hours. If you have expensive or irreplaceable items, it would be best to leave them at home.
You will not be allowed to take your water or snack into the testing room, so make sure that the bottle is on the smaller size.
Testing center guidelines and restrictions
Understanding the testing center’s stringent rules and policies is crucial for a smooth and stress-free exam day. Pearson VUE provides detailed information about allowed and prohibited items as well as specific policies regarding personal belongings and attire. Points one and two of the Pearson VUE Candidate Rules agreement list the specifics about the items that are not allowed in the testing center. Pearson VUE’s comfort aid list focuses on management of illnesses and disabilities in the testing center and outlines medications, medical aids and devices that are allowed in the testing room, as well as how to manage them. If your medical device is noisy it needs to be approved by the testing center in advance.
Below is a detailed list of the items you are allowed to bring to the testing center, as well as those you should avoid.
What to bring:
- Yourself, hopefully well-rested, bright-eyed and ready to crush this test.
- A valid ID such as driver’s license, military ID or passport that matches the information on your ATT.
- Small water bottle and a snack.
- Cash in small bills. Some testing centers have vending machines, and you may find an additional drink or snack invigorating, especially if your test stretches over 3 hours.
- Your ATT (Authorization to Test) and the confirmation email from Pearson VUE with your appointment details. While these documents are not a requirement, it is a good idea to bring them in case there are technical issues at the center.
Note: If your name is different from the name on the ATT, bring original copies of the documents that confirm your identity such as a marriage license, divorce decree or your legal name change document.
What NOT to bring:
- Writing utensils – The test center will provide them
- Jewelry such as earrings or bracelets, or wristwatches. The test center attendant will ask you to place these in the locker, unless it is a medical alert bracelet or necklace.
- A calculator – You will have an on-screen calculator during the test.
- Lucky crystals, amulets and such – You will not be able to depend on them to guide you through the test as these will end up in the locker. Give those crystals a goodbye rub before you head to the testing room.
- Anything that could be seen as a coat/outerwear.
- Headphones are not allowed. Your testing center will provide earplugs or noise-canceling earphones.
- Family or friends – only candidates are allowed to wait in the test center. There is no space for an extended family to cheer for you.
Dressing for the test
While the testing environment may be less than ideal, you can take steps to improve your own comfort. The testing centers usually run cool, but you may find yourself sweating from stress. I suggest that you wear loose and comfortable clothes that are layered, ideally the most comfortable clothes you own aside from pajamas. For example, a breathable and light T-shirt with a long-sleeve shirt and a cardigan or vest. Any clothes that may obscure your face or hands will be removed unless they are part of your religious or cultural dress. Some testing centers will ask that you remove a hoodie, so to keep it simple I suggest a plain sweatshirt or a thin sweater.
Preparation for the exam involves more than studying for the material. Your choice of personal items as well as attire may be either a distraction or enhance your comfort and focus.
By following these guidelines you will create an environment where you can perform your best, free from unnecessary concern about your surroundings or personal items. Policies can sometimes change, so double-check the guidelines before the testing day. I wish you the best focus and clarity on your testing day! Good luck!
Checklist of items to bring:
- A valid ID
- Small water bottle and a snack.
- Cash in small bills.
- Your ATT and the confirmation email from Pearson VUE with your appointment details. Remember to bring the documents if ATT doesn’t match the ID.