What is Doctors Without Borders?
Doctors Without Borders is an international non-profit, non-governmental medical organization that provides worldwide medical aid to people who are victims of epidemics, natural disasters, armed conflict or have limited access to healthcare. Also known as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), it was formed by a group of French doctors and journalists. Founded in 1971, Doctors Without Borders aims to provide quick, efficient and humane medical aid without being tied to any political, economic or religious agenda. Through the years, Doctors Without Borders has been one of the most well-known humanitarian organizations in the world, awarded with the Freedom of Want award in 1996 and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999.
5 Goals of Doctors Without Borders
The main goal of the Doctors Without Borders is to give access to good quality health care in the most challenging areas. However, the core vision and mission of Doctors Without Borders is more than that. Here are some of the specific goals of the organization.
1 Provide health care that is impartial and independent of any political, economic or religious agenda
The mission of Doctors Without Borders is to provide worldwide medical assistance to people in need regardless of their race, religion, or political affiliation. Health and healthcare is a universal need, and I think it is one of the purest forms of service to be able to provide medical care without looking at a person’s physical appearance, background, or beliefs. In order to support this, Doctors Without Borders receives funding from private donors and not from governments.
2 Provide healthcare to areas where it is limited or unavailable
Doctors Without Borders fights for the right of people to have equal access to medical aid regardless of where they are. This includes areas that are in the middle of conflict or in crisis situations such as natural disasters. Usually, these calamity struck areas have difficulty in accessing humane and quality health care, and Doctors Without Borders aims to bridge that gap. Where people will flee, Doctors Without Borders will go and serve. Not only that, Doctors Without Borders fights for the right to be able to deliver quality medical care and assistance while assuring the safety of the staff.
3 Provide medical aid that is responsive, competent and humane
Doctors Without Borders goes the extra mile by providing support and training to their health workers. They aim to build a community of health professionals who effectively respond to medical emergencies, providing quality care that is not only efficient, but also compassionate.
4 Provide medical aid with transparency and accountability
Doctors Without Borders gets their funding primarily from private donations of individuals, foundations, and corporations. To maintain their independence and impartiality, Doctors Without Borders does not accept funding from governments. The funds that the organization receives is put to use by financing medical care, including the building of hospitals and facilities, training health care workers, and maintaining hospital and facility operations. The organization provides financial reports of the funds that they receive and for which activities it is used.
5 Raising awareness regarding health crises and human rights violations that occur worldwide
Doctors Without Borders advocates for the people they serve, and becomes their voice when injustices are evident. Not only that, they also protect their staff and the local healthcare providers who help in the implementation of their medical programs.
What Does Doctors Without Borders Do?
Doctors Without Borders operates in over 70 countries all over the world, responding to a wide range of crises. Each mission can vary depending on the location. In every situation, the Doctors Without Borders organization aims to provide core services. Should you wish to work with Doctors Without Borders, you will be taking part in these.
- Respond to emergencies and distribute essential medicines and supplies
- Provide primary and secondary healthcare, including vaccinations, nutrition support, surgeries, and mental health services
- Improve access to clean water and sanitation to prevent the spread of infectious diseases
- Provide medical training to local healthcare workers
- Empower communities by letting locals take part in the planning and implementation of medical programs
- Conduct research to improve medical care during crisis situations
5 Challenges Encountered in Doctors Without Borders
Doctors Without Borders encounters many challenges as they uphold their mission of providing life-saving medical assistance in crisis-stricken places. Here are some of the obstacles that they experience. These are important to keep in mind because, should you wish to join the medical program, these are the hurdles you will encounter and help solve.
1 Challenges in providing continuity of care or long-term health care services
Doctors Without Borders aims to respond quickly to emergencies in conflict zones and disaster areas. However, the workers constantly move from place to place as new areas emerge that need medical help. Because of this, health care professionals usually will not see the long-term effects of their medical services. The organization relies heavily on foreign medical staff, which can limit its ability to build local capacity and develop sustainable healthcare systems. Doctors Without Borders addresses this by training locals to continue the work that they have started. However, if you are a physician planning to join Doctors Without Borders, expect that you will be moving from place to place and might not see your patients in the long term.
2 Challenges in accessibility and logistics
In areas of conflict, it may be difficult to provide medical assistance where there is ongoing violence. For instance, there can be difficulty accessing and transporting medical supplies to remote areas, which can be a cause for delay and can be critical in medical emergencies where timely assessment and management is needed. Workers may also not be able to provide the same level of medical care as in a developed country due to resource limitations or logistical challenges. They can also experience bureaucratic hurdles when seeking permits from governments and other organizations as they move and travel between disaster areas. Should you wish to join the medical program, this is something that you should keep in mind. These social aspects are not problems you typically encounter if you are training in a hospital.
3 Challenges in resources and funding
Another challenge is receiving funding to sustain all the operations that the organization needs to keep functioning. The organization relies on donations and must actively ensure that there is a continuous supply of resources. These donations are unpredictable and can fluctuate from time to time. If the funding is not enough, there may be limited capacity to respond to multiple emergencies at a time. They also might not be able to provide all the necessary medical treatments if there are constraints in resources.
4 Challenges in diversity and cultural sensitivity
Because each project is different, Doctors Without Borders staff work in varied cultural contexts, which can create challenges in terms of understanding local customs, cultures, and beliefs. This can make it difficult to build trust with the local communities and with the people they aim to serve. If this gap is not bridged, it can impact the quality of care provided.
5 Challenges in safety and security of staff
Finally, another concern for the organization is the security and safety of their staff. Workers are assigned to disaster areas and conflict zones. They operate in dangerous environments and may be targeted by armed groups, which threatens the safety of staff. This is one of the most important aspects to consider if you are interested in the medical program. Although Doctors Without Borders prioritizes the safety of the staff and refuses to intervene in areas with ongoing hostilities, you should still be prepared to handle unexpected circumstances.
How to join Doctors Without Borders: 7 Requirements
Doctors Without Borders is not strict about age, specialty, years of experience, or the usual requirements of residency or fellowship training. However, they do have certain preferences that can increase your chances of being accepted, because meeting those preferences will enable you to easily adapt to the conditions you will be exposed to. Specific qualifications and requirements can vary depending on the location and nature of the mission; however the following are the most essential:
1 Professional Medical Experience of at Least 2 Years
Among the requirements, this is the most technical. All doctors should have at least 2 years of postgraduate clinical experience that is relevant to their field.
2 Experience in Areas with Limited Resources or Exposure to Indigent Communities
Doctors Without Borders workers are usually assigned in developing areas with calamities and conflict, therefore they prioritize doctors who have experience working in areas with limited resources.
3 Experience in a leadership role such as supervisor, teacher, trainer or manager
Doctors Without Borders workers are involved in supervising teams and spearheading training. Also, leadership skills are important in critical areas and during emergencies, of calamities which is why this is an important requirement the organization has. This will not be a hard requirement for you to meet, because doctors are usually the leaders of the health team.
4 Willingness to work long-term in humanitarian aid (at least 9 months to a year)
The minimum requirement to work varies from doctor to doctor. Some doctors such as surgeons, anesthesiologists, and OB/GYNs can work for a minimum of 8-12 weeks. Generally, however, a minimum of 9 to 12 months is the requirement to give leeway for an adjustment period and be able to prepare and adapt for the projects.
5 Ability to be a team player and live with people from various backgrounds and walks of life
As a Doctors Without Borders worker, you will be living in the project area with your team. Your team may be composed of people from different backgrounds and cultures from around the world. Not only should you be able to work efficiently together, you will be spending days off of work with them as well. Therefore, you should be able to easily establish rapport with people and form good connections that can translate to the workplace.
6 Ability to adapt to change
No single project by the Doctors Without Borders is the same. Each area and situation is different, and due to the nature of conflict or disaster stricken areas, outcomes can be unpredictable. Teams can also change and security protocols can vary. You can sometimes find yourself being a social mobilizer, or taking roles or jobs outside of what you usually do.
Therefore, you should be flexible and willing to adjust to changes in the field. I think this is what makes being part of Doctors Without Borders exciting, because every situation is different.
7 Adherence to Doctors Without Borders Principles and Core Values
Doctors Without Borders provides medical aid only on the basis of need. It does not consider any political, religious, or military agenda. As a Doctors Without Borders worker, this is a core value. True to this, qualifications for joining the organization do not include age, race, color, religion, sex, nationality, or disability. However, a person’s physical condition is something that they consider, because good health is especially needed when living conditions during catastrophes or in areas of conflict can be difficult.
You can check the rest of the requirements here and the application process here.
Is Doctors Without Borders a Good Charity – and Might It Be the Right Organization For You?
Doctors Without Borders is a prestigious organization, one you can take pride in being a part of.
However this medical opportunity is not for everyone. Not everyone can adapt to a fast-paced and unpredictable lifestyle. I have laid out not only the benefits but also the obstacles that people who work under the organization face so that you can have an idea of whether this is something for you. A few specialties that I think can adapt to these situations are Emergency Medicine or Critical Care. This is because these professionals are subject to the same unpredictable situations, assume leadership roles, and require more flexibility and quick thinking. However, any specialty can thrive in Doctors Without Borders, and ultimately it is your personality and your goals that will help you determine whether working in the organization is something you can consider after graduating.
Final Thoughts
Doctors Without Borders is a humanitarian organization that brings the dedication and vocation of providing medical service to a whole new level by helping people in challenging areas around the world. Not only will joining Doctors Without Borders provide growth and training for a medical graduate, it will also instill a sense of compassion and humanitarian aid incomparable to any other training received within the four walls of a building. More doctors should consider this alternative path after graduation, provided it suits their lifestyle.
Is this medical opportunity a challenge that you are up to? Are you interested in being a part of Doctors Without Borders? You can read more about Doctors Without Borders and their mission of providing medical service, one mission at a time.