Accredited online course

Pediatrics II

Advance your pediatric care competencies with university-backed pediatrics training

academic credits earned
150 hours
total workload

Video course: 17 video hours

Required reading: 215 pages

Qbank workload: 81 questions

one-time purchase

6 ECTS credits awarded by DHGS German University of Health and Sports

150 hours total workload – fully online and flexible

Formal certificate proves your expertise in advanced clinical topics

Taught by US board-certified medical educators from top universities

Pediatrics II advances medical knowledge in specialized areas affecting children from birth through adolescence. This course builds on foundational pediatric concepts to explore complex conditions requiring expert management.

Students will study hematologic disorders, infectious diseases, allergies/immunology, dermatological conditions, and adolescent medicine. The course provides in-depth coverage of neonatology, child development, genetics, emergency medicine, oncology, and pediatric radiology. It is recommended to take the course Pediatrics I before moving forward to this class.

Through comprehensive study of blood disorders, infections, immune system dysfunction, and skin conditions, students learn to recognize and manage these specialized pathologies. Special emphasis is placed on newborn care, developmental assessment, genetic disorders, and emergency interventions. Students will also gain experience interpreting pediatric imaging studies.

Learning objectives

After the completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Diagnose and manage common pediatric hematologic disorders and cancers, including treatment protocols and supportive care.
  • Implement evidence-based strategies for preventing, diagnosing, and treating pediatric infectious diseases.
  • Evaluate and manage allergic and immunologic conditions in pediatric patients.
  • Identify and treat common pediatric dermatological conditions and their systemic associations.
  • Address the unique health needs and concerns of adolescent patients, including reproductive health.
  • Manage high-risk newborns and common neonatal complications.
  • Assess behavioral development and recognize developmental disorders in children.
  • Recognize genetic syndromes and implement appropriate genetic testing and counseling.
  • Respond effectively to pediatric emergencies and trauma cases.
  • Interpret pediatric radiological studies and select appropriate imaging modalities.

Course outline

  • Pediatric Hematology
  • Pediatric Infectious Diseases
  • Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
  • Pediatric Dermatology
  • Adolescent Medicine
  • Neonatology (Newborn Medicine)
  • Child Development and Behavior
  • Pediatric Genetics
  • Pediatric Emergency Medicine
  • Pediatric Oncology
  • Pediatric Radiology
academic credits earned
150 hours
total workload

Video course: 17 video hours

Required reading: 215 pages

Qbank workload: 81 questions

one-time purchase
academic credits earned
150 hours
total workload

Video course: 17 video hours

Required reading: 215 pages

Qbank workload: 81 questions

one-time purchase

Credits are awarded by DHGS German University of Health and Sports. ECTS is an standardized measurement of academic workload and success. 

Doctors without Borders
Maybe a grad nurse?


A Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) and a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) are postgraduate education qualifications that allow healthcare professionals to deepen their expertise in specific medical domains.

A CAS at Lecturio requires completing 12 ECTS credits, which translates to roughly 300-450 hours of study. It’s usually shorter and more focused than a DAS.

A DAS is more comprehensive and requires 30 ECTS credits at Lecturio. It’s positioned between a CAS and a full master’s degree in terms of scope and depth.

Both qualifications are designed for professionals seeking to enhance their expertise in a specific field without committing to a full master’s program. They often combine theoretical knowledge with practical applications and can be completed while working.

Along with your certificate, you obtain a set amount of ECTS credits. Those credits are the official, standardized measurement of academic workload and learning outcomes across Europe. One ECTS credit represents 25–30 hours of study, including self-study, lectures, and assessments.

ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits are the quality-assured, standardized unit of academic measurement across European higher education and are increasingly recognized globally. One ECTS credit represents about 30 hours of workload.

ECTS credits are a way to verify your expertise to potential employers and institutions who globally understand the rigor and time investment they represent.

ECTS credits can be converted to other local credit systems (e.g., 1 US credit = 2 ECTS credits). However, acceptance of international credits always depends on individual institutions’ policy. Contact your institution for eligibility.

Earning additional academic credits through specialized courses post-graduation demonstrates continued professional development and your initiative to build specialized expertise. The courses and certificates are open to everyone.

Nurses can demonstrate advanced expertise to increase career advancement, nurse practitioner students can get a head start on building specialized medical knowledge and supplement their training, and medical doctors and providers trained outside the US or Europe who are seeking work opportunities in these areas can enhance their CV with a globally recognized certification.

While CAS and DAS are not academic degrees, the courses do provide formal ECTS certificates. The certificates are awarded by the DHGS German University of Health and Sports. On course completion, you also receive a transcript of records as proof you were awarded the required number of academic credits given in ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits. With this, learners can feel confident they are earning recognized, high-quality credentials.

Academic requirements: None. The courses and certificates are open to everyone. However, they dive into medical concepts at the practitioner level, so a solid basis in a healthcare profession is necessary to get the most value out of the content.

Technical requirements: Lecturio Video Lessons can be watched on any computer or mobile device with an internet connection. The following system requirements and tools are beneficial for optimal playback and the use of all Lecturio features: DSL or LTE connection (at least 2 Mbps); the latest versions of your browser; PDF-Reader; speakers/headphones

The CAS/DAS courses do not provide CME/CNE credits.

Enroll in a program that covers your chosen area of specialization and complete the identity check. Complete all required courses within the program within the allowed time frame, and pass the exam. All materials can be worked through fully online, according to your own schedule. On course completion, you will receive a transcript of records with your ECTS credits. Upon completion of all modules of a DAS/CAS program, the DHGS German University of Health and Sports will review your documents and issue the official certificates.

Lecturio partners with the DHGS German University of Health and Sports. You do not have to enroll in the school to complete a course and receive your certificate, nor do you have to meet entry requirements to study at a university. You buy the specific courses separately at Lecturio, work through the materials, and receive your certificate upon successful completion by passing the exam. The academic credits you are awarded will be stated on your transcript.

To ensure the rigor and relevance of the academic credentials, the CAS and DAS courses do have a maximum time of 12 months in which you need to finish working through the course materials and take the final exam.

Within that timeframe, however, you can schedule your course work completely freely and learn whenever, wherever it suits your busy week. There are no fixed classes or appointments to attend.

The Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) and Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) credentials offered by DHGS German University of Health and Sports are not automatically earned through a Basic or Premium Lecturio course subscription. To obtain these certificates, you need to separately enroll in the designated CAS or DAS programs listed above. You do not need to have a Lecturio subscription to enroll.

The key differences are:

Lecturio platform subscriptions provide access to the study platform, but do not include the option to earn the DHGS University-awarded CAS/DAS certificates.

To earn the academic credentials, learners must purchase the specific academic programs designed for that purpose. These are listed on this page separately from the general Lecturio course catalog.

No; other than the Lecturio platform subscriptions, the academic course certificates are one-time purchases. All modules are paid in a one-time payment and the contract will end automatically at the end of the term.

Lecturio’s advanced study programs are designed to allow learners to progress through the material independently. However, a team of expert physician instructors is available to provide support should any questions or issues arise during the courses. Learners are welcome to reach out to the support team for assistance as needed.

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